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Proposed legislation in Congress has at its core the addition of $1400 per person (on top of the $600 already passed in other legislation) creating a $2,000 per person payment. Its purpose is stated to be to “stimulate the economy” even though what we actually need to focus on is getting more people back to work. 

The prospect of giving out an additional $1400 payment is absolute insanity. We don’t need it, as we have the highest rate of savings right now that we’ve had in a long time. The vast majority of “stimulus” funds go to working people who are in as good or maybe even better financial shape than before COVID, so the money is going into savings or to reduce debt. This is NOT stimulus. (Note that  having to repay the money borrowed to make the stimulus payments 1) slows the economy by having to service this debt, and 2) adds extraordinary burdens to our children and grandchildren who must pay it back.)

However, the most egregious element of this stimulus fiasco are amounts going to non-working – but being paid – public service employees.

In the private sector, employees who could not or would not do their jobs would have been furloughed or fired, as a private business would do out of necessity. But the public sector can just abuse taxpayers by keeping them on – and even giving them raises! So many of them are home because there has been no productive work to do. In a horrific economy like ours, businesses simply can’t afford to carry people who are not performing work. Just like a hurricane hitting a factory, we have to furlough even public service employees because there is nothing to do.

But public service employees, in an absolutely unethical and immoral way, have, with help of unions, have put themselves in an undeserved place in society:  they neither have to work, nor get furloughed.  On top of it, we give them “stimulus” funds even after being already unjustly rewarded? To the detriment and abuse of everyone else who is paying them to do nothing? It’s an affront to all taxpayers.