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Geithner: Higher Taxes is an American Privilege

He really said it.


{I}f you don’t ask, you know, the most fortunate Americans to bear a slightly larger burden of the privilege of being an American…

This folks, is our Treasury Secretary. Of course, it’s not like Geithner is serious about reform. Remember his argument that the debt ceiling just needs to be extended? I took him to task for that. We still have no real desire to make the spending cuts that are so desperately needed, especially since the current plan is clearly to find more ways tax the rich.

Of course, we’ll have the debt ceiling argument regurgitated later this year as the limit will hit in the fall.

When the Budget Control Act of 2011 increased the debt ceiling last August, Congress, the administration, and outside analysts believed that this increase would allow federal borrowing under the limit well into 2013,” the center’s analysts wrote. “Due to unexpected circumstances … that belief appears increasingly likely to have been misguided.”

I’m sure Timmy will be a good American and do everything in his power to make sure that doesn’t happen until after the elections.


Spending Cuts Better than Tax Hikes

A quick little snippet coming from the AP — a new poll shows that more Americans would rather cut spending than raise taxes

56 percent to 31 percent, more embraced cuts in government services than higher taxes as the best medicine for the budget, according to the survey, which was conducted Feb. 16 to 20.

Thankfully, a majority of Americans have more sense than our Administration these days