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Tax Politics

The Politics of Taxes

Unveiling Darkness: Rampant Antisemitism Within NYU

“Israel bears full responsibility for this tremendous loss of life…I will not condemn Palestinian resistance.” These are the words of former NYU Law Student Bar Association President Ryna Workman, issued via the association's email list to as many as 2,000 students. The loss of life Workman so callously attributes to Israel was caused by Hamas terrorists who killed approximately 1,300 people and...
Shrinking Nest Eggs

The Tax Foundation has a new report out regarding the consequences of not extending the Bush tax cuts: Retired seniors could be among the hardest hit, since they rely most on investments and savings. Lawmakers have been warning for months about the income-tax...

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Sage Observations from Cato

James Dorn at the Cato Institute makes a great case for how and why our government is going in the wrong economic direction. Some of his points are as follows: "Economic growth depends on institutions that reward saving and investment, that expand individuals'...

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Cafe Hayek on Government Spending and Job Creation

As I've mentioned before on this blog, my friend Don Boudreaux has a great website with a fellow economist, Russ Roberts: Roberts was recently thinking aloud about the correlation between government spending and job creation. He does a nice job...

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Why Stimulus Doesn't Stimulate

Robert Higgs published a thoughtful essay a few days ago in the Sacramento Bee. Higgs reminds us of a basic economic lesson that Obama has yet to learn:  consumptive spending is not nearly as stimulative as investment spending. Higgs rightly cites a sharp decline in...

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NY Income Drops

Reuters reports a drop in the personal income of NY residents for the first time in 70 years: "The recession put a 3.1 percent dent in the personal incomes of New York state residents, who endured their first full-year decline in more than 70 years, according to a...

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